Damen Support Programme دامن سپورٹ پروگرام

خواتین کی مضبوطی، ترقی کی ضمانت

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خواتین کی مضبوطی، ترقی کی ضمانت


Sustainable development through financial inclusion.


Taking measures for social and economic uplift of the marginalized, with focus on women, to enhance their economic prosperity & self-reliance through financial inclusion & capacity building.


No.: 0090169

NTN: 4392708-4

Our Products

Last Updated: 05 december 2024

Micro Credit

Damen Support Programme (DSP) is providing micro loans to low-income individuals and offers three types of products:

Type of Loan Amount of Loan PKR Duration
General Loans 45,000 to 80,000 12 and 18 Months
Buisness Investment Loans 45,000 to 80,000 12 and 18 Months
Enterprise Loans 80,000 to 350,000 12 and 18 Months
Agriculture Loan 30,000 to 350,000 Related with crop maturity
Sharia-based (Islamic) 20,000 to 125,000 12 and 18 Months
Gold Loans 45,000 to 350,000 12 and 18 Months
Interest free Loan (PMYL) 30,000 to 500,000 Upto 03 years

By providing these loans DSP is also playing an effective role in achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of improving the welfare of the world's neediest people, reducing hunger & poverty and empowering low income communities specially females.

Access to financial services not only enables poor community to increase their household incomes by undertaking income generating activities but also helps them in building assets and reducing their vulnerability to the crises that are so much a part of their daily lives, it also translates into better nutrition and improved health outcomes, such as higher immunization rates. It allows poor people to plan for their future and send more of their children to school for longer. It has made our clients more confident and assertive and thus better able to confront gender inequities. DSP believes that economic contribution of the low income people, being the major part of the economy plays a major role in overall development of the country. It not only empower the individuals but also helps in decreasing the poverty levels and increasing per capita income of the country.


AS OF: 30/Dec/2024

Cumulative Disbursement PKR 7,498 Million
Active Entrepreneur 93,357
Outstanding Loan Portfolio PKR 4,456 Million
Number of entrepreneur benefited through micro loans 1,108,329


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